Help And Support For Young Adults With Disabilities [Guide]

Providing care and help for young adults with disabilities is a big responsibility.

You want to ensure your loved one receives the best possible care. However, after your family member outgrows the plentiful supports and services designed for children, you may be uncertain about where to turn for help.

We understand your needs. That’s why we’ve assembled a list of resources that can help provide support for young adults with disabilities. Use these resources to meet his or her needs, connect with a helpful community, and support your entire family.

Why it’s Important to Seek Support For Young Adults With Disabilities

Depending on your family member’s disability, he or she may need a lot or a little help performing activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), finding and keeping a job, or connecting with friends.

The right support can make all the difference as you provide your loved one with a high quality of life that extends throughout adulthood.

Support and help for young adults with disabilities help them achieve:

  • Independence
  • Confidence
  • Self-determination
  • Safety
  • Inclusion at home, work, and the community
  • Participation in society
  • Fulfillment

Where To Find Help For Young Adults With Disabilities

Numerous organizations understand these diverse needs and offer a variety of programs and other resources designed to support young adults with disabilities.

With these resources, your loved one receives the care and assistance required, and you gain peace of mind. Not only will you know that he or she can enjoy a safe, productive and fulfilling life, but you can also arrange for their long-term care.

Consider these beneficial resources when searching for help and support for young adults with disabilities.

Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority
Your family member may apply for a loan to pay for essential assistive technology.

With this support, he or she can communicate, work from home, and complete necessary vehicle and home modifications.

DARS Document Depository
Access information and documents from numerous Disability Services Agencies in Virginia.

Your loved one can discover helpful information about medical, mobility, and vocational services, in addition to other resources.

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS)
Virginia DBHDS utilizes community services boards to provide a variety of helpful resources and practical support for young adults with disabilities, as well as their families.

Department of Medical Assistance Services
Through the health services offered by the DMAS, your family member can receive managed care, behavioral health services, and long-term assistance.

This important medical support ensures he or she remains healthy and capable of participating actively in life, keeping a job, and achieving inclusion and independence.

disAbility Law Center of Virginia (dLCV)
If your loved one faces discrimination, neglect or abuse, or needs help addressing another legal or civic rights concern, contact dLCV.

The organization can also assist you and your family member in finding necessary services and treatment that provide ongoing care.

Easter Seals
In the transition from childhood to adulthood, you can find support through Easter Seals.

The organization promotes social outings, provides employment services, and offers additional resources and support for young adults with disabilities.

National Center on Accessibility
Encourage your disabled loved one to enjoy many of the beautiful parks and educational recreational programs in Virginia and around the country with assistance from the National Center on Accessibility. The organization works to improve accessibility and provides helpful resources to families and individuals.

National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD)
Sixty-four organizations in Virginia offer inclusive or adaptive sports and activities for young adults with disabilities.

Your loved one can become active and involved in the community and improve his or her health and wellness with assistance from NCHPAD.

Partnership for People with Disabilities
Adults with a disability can access mentoring, housing, long-term services, positive behavior supports, self-advocacy resources, and crisis care through PPD.

These person-centered services also assist your family member in making informed decisions about their long-term care.

Individuals with developmental disabilities or mental retardation may receive employment, recreational, housing, and family assistance through your local chapter of this national organization.

Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD)
In addition to advocating for family-centered and consumer services, the VBPD provides resources for your loved one and your family.

Turn to this website when you need to protect his or her rights, learn more about disability services in Virginia, or meet practical needs, such as transportation or housing.

Virginia Department of Adult Education
Literacy, problem-solving and other educational services give your loved one the skills he or she needs to find and keep a job.

Find helpful and appropriate programs and initiatives for adults with a disability through resources provided by the Department of Adult Education.

Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (VADARS)
Discover resources that empowers your family member and helps him or her transition from high school to adulthood, achieve employment, and process disability claims.

These services, including long-term rehabilitative case management, support your family member’s progress toward stability, inclusion, and independence.

Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS)
The DSS strives to provide adults with essential social and family supports that help them achieve a better quality of life. Find government aid and grants, case management, and housing, food, and other benefits thanks to the DSS.

Virginia Easy Access
To support long-term independence, Easy Access provides transportation services and other resources.

Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center (WWRC)
The WWRC encourages independence and offers vocational rehabilitation and medical or assistive technology to your disabled loved one.

Seeking Support For Young Adults With Disabilities

Young adults with intellectual disabilities require a variety of supports and services.

With this list, you find the specific assistance and help your family member needs throughout his or her lifetime.

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