Individuals with intellectual disabilities have a variety of specific needs.

These needs may include those in the realm of:

  • Medical
  • Psychiatric
  • Social
  • Residential
  • Educational
  • Financial
  • Among others

Locating services, supports, and resources to meet these requirements is challenging, though.

These individuals and their families must navigate complex and confusing systems, often waiting for essential services, then following through on their own with what information they can acquire. Many times, the process requires time and energy that families simply do not have.

Role Of Intellectual Disability Support Coordinators

Support coordinators provide an essential service for individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families.

Also known as intellectual disability support coordinators, these professionals assess the individual’s particular needs and specific wishes. They then create a detailed person-centered plan for each individual.

Support coordinators use this plan to guide their search for appropriate services, supports, and resources for their persons served. They provide constant assistance and monitor the individuals’ plans. This ongoing support ensures individuals continue to receive the help they need to achieve the high-quality life, community inclusion, fulfillment, and dignity they deserve.

Intellectual Disability Support Coordinator Resources

Because resources for individuals with intellectual disabilities can vary based on state, county, and region and also change over time, support coordinators in Virginia benefit from a resource guide.

Consider this list of possible resources that assist intellectual disability support coordinators in providing effective, reliable, and appropriate services for the individuals they serve.

Community Service Boards

Support coordinators from all areas of Virginia can find local information for their persons served on the Community Service Boards (CSB) website.

The local CSB websites offer various tools and resources for individuals with intellectual disabilities, including housing options, employment opportunities, and support services.

Examples of the information that support coordinators may find on the CSB website include:

  • Acute care services
  • Advocacy resources
  • Counseling centers
  • Employment services
  • Work readiness programs
  • Community education

Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services

Adults with intellectual disabilities often struggle to find appropriate, autonomous, stable, and dignified housing.

The VA Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) has compiled a list of housing-related resources for intellectual disability support coordinators.

Independent Housing Webinars

Two webinars help support coordinators evaluate housing for which their persons served can apply.

Support coordinators who watch the webinars can:

  • Assess the individual’s readiness for independent housing
  • Develop a transition action plan
  • Complete the DBHDS Housing Resource Referral
  • Understand the purpose of Flexible Funding and how to secure it

Housing Assessment and Person-Centered Planning Tools

To determine an individual’s housing needs and find the right independent living arrangements, support coordinators can access a variety of housing assessment and planning tools.

These documents include a variety of resources, including:

  • Household spending plan
  • Evaluation of independent housing options
  • Housing resume for individuals to complete
  • Guardianship and live-in aide facts and information for landlords
  • Live-in caregiver agreement sample
  • Roommate search websites
  • Moving in checklist
  • Assessments of independent and supportive housing arrangements

Support coordinators can access this information to ensure their persons served find and keep the integrated, independent, and safe housing option that’s the best fit for their individual needs.

House Search Resources

Numerous websites offer housing leads to individuals with intellectual disabilities. Support coordinators find dozens of resources already compiled on the DBHDS website.

These resources reduce the amount of time and effort support coordinators must invest in finding housing and free up time for performing other services.

Independent Living Checklists

Individuals with intellectual disabilities who are ready to move into a home need extra help.

Support coordinates and the individuals they serve can benefit from several independent living resources available on the DBHDS website.

  • Housing quality standards worksheet
  • Move-in inspection checklist
  • Roommate search websites
  • Potential roommate questionnaire
  • Roommate agreement sample and chore chart

These and other move-in resources aid support coordinators in helping individuals successfully move into the housing option of their choice.

Department of Medical Assistance Services

Medicaid is a government program that provides health care to adults with intellectual disabilities.

The Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) website compiles details about Medicaid. With this resource, support coordinators can help individuals navigate the complexities of this essential service and receive the medical care they need.

The DMAS website also offers information about CL (Community Living) Waivers, an important resource for many Virginia residents with intellectual disabilities.

These waivers can cover employment, behavioral interventions, assistive technology, and community living expenses, including fees at The Brambles.

Virginia Association of Community Services Board

The Virginia Association of Community Service Board (VACSB) represents the state’s Community Services Boards and Behavioral Health Authority.

This organization’s purpose is to provide every Virginia citizen with premier disability services. It fulfills its mission by advocating for federal and state policy changes, funding, and regulations. The VACSB partners with family and consumer advocacy groups and educates the public about the value and needs of children and adults with disabilities.

Support coordinators can access the VACSB website to find information about local resources that help them meet their persons served needs for independence, growth, and dignity.

Available resources also help intellectual disability support coordinators learn about conferences, trainings, and job openings that assist them in advancing their careers as they offer even better care for intellectuals with disabilities.

Access Helpful Resources For Intellectual Disability Services

Support coordinators in Virginia serve a variety of individuals, including men and women with intellectual disabilities.

Numerous resources assist intellectual disability support coordinators as they improve the care they provide and enhance the quality of life for the individuals they serve.

Learn more about intellectual disability services