What Do Group Homes Offer Adults With Disabilities?

Caring for your adult loved one with a disability is a privilege. However, you may need help ensuring his or her physical, social and emotional needs are met. A group home for adults with disabilities can meet your loved one’s needs in a safe, comfortable and stimulating living environment. Benefits of Group Homes For Adults […]


Are Group Homes Safe For Adults With Disabilities?

When you must place your loved one in a group home for adults with disabilities, you need assurance that your family member is safe, comfortable and well cared for. The challenge is that you can’t be with there 24/7 to supervise conditions in the home. How do you truly know that your loved one will […]


Activities for Nonverbal Autistic Adults

Boston University reports that as many as one in three people with an autism diagnosis cannot communicate verbally. These men and women have a great deal to say, and they often want to participate in normal activities with their family members and friends. Consider the following safe, supporting and engaging activities for nonverbal autistic adults […]


Intellectual Disability Treatment & Management For Young Adults

An intellectual disability can create limitations for individuals and their families. While many people with intellectual disabilities can manage okay physically – many even holding jobs and more – they can still face many challenges when it comes to daily living. From a caretaker’s point of view, it’s often frustrating and overwhelming. What can you do […]