COVID-19 Updates

The past few days have us all evaluating how we can best respond to the ever-changing landscape that the spread and potential spread of COVID-19 has caused.  Our top priority is to make sure the individuals we serve at The Brambles stay safe and are healthy, and that our response leaves no one behind.  To prepare for […]


How High-Stress Situations Are Professionally Managed At The Brambles

Adults with autism or intellectual disabilities face dozens of external and internal challenges in daily life. To cope with these challenges, they may respond with emotional outbursts, self-harm, or harmful acts toward other residents or staff members. At The Brambles, we understand the challenges our residents face and we take numerous steps to handle, address, […]


Housing Options For Adults With Special Needs

In the last few decades, housing options for adults with special needs have expanded well beyond institutions. This shift stems from the desire to give all people dignity, confidence, and the highest possible quality of life. The Supreme Court agrees. In 1999, the Court decided that adults with disabilities must live in the most integrative […]


Help And Support For Young Adults With Disabilities [Guide]

Providing care and help for young adults with disabilities is a big responsibility. You want to ensure your loved one receives the best possible care. However, after your family member outgrows the plentiful supports and services designed for children, you may be uncertain about where to turn for help. We understand your needs. That’s why […]